#MW2014 – Collective Impressions

It’s been a little over a week since the Museums and the Web conference finished in Baltimore. While at the conference I diligently collected tweets so I could storify them and save all the fantastic advice, tools and ideas to use in the future. I also took a few short videos of my fellow participants impressions of the conference. I’ve been struggling to edit the videos and sort all the amazing tweets; in the name of transparency this might have to do with the amazing spring weather we’ve been having here in Vancouver. If you know anything about the city then any day it’s not raining it is important to get outside (for my international friends, Vancouver has roughly the same weather as Seattle).

I’m still in the learning/experimental stage of video making. I already knew it was important to shoot in horizontal so as to avoid Vertical Video Syndrome.

After reviewing the footage I took at the conference I have now learned how important lighting and location is. I will also be investing in a mike for better sound quality. But Content is King and I got some really good analysis of the conference from some of the people attending.

My note taking style has evolved along with the conference. The first one I went to, in 2012 in San Diego, I wrote notes by hand and tweeted a bit. Then I went to MCN in Montreal this past November and I started writing notes digitally, while tweeting, retweeting and favouriting others tweets. This time I almost exclusively took my notes through twitter – by favouriting tweets I felt captured the key messages of the presentation well. So I have created a few storifies of the tweets based on different themes I saw emerge.








There are more themes to storify like the amazing Google tools from the Cultural Institute and Google Glass, lots of content on mobile, a theme of scaling down and doing less well. I could keep storifying until I’m old and grey. I might add some more if I get time to put them together to stay tuned.

Other Impressions

Many people who go to Museums and the Web have blogs and have been much faster than me in getting their impressions up. Here are the blog posts that I found tweeted out with #MW2014 and they are all worth a read. If you have written one that I haven’t listed here please let me know and I’ll add it.

Unpacking MW2014 – Part One by Ed Rodley

The Internet is a vast and endless ocean by Micah Walter

Ten digital lessons by Kati Price

Museums and the Web 2014: Digital Arrival, unpredictability and churn by Andrew Lewis

HCLE at MW2014 and MW2014 Provided Perspective by the History of Computing in Learning and Education Virtual Museum